
Will of Samuel Ogle

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Date: 11 Feb 1752 [unknown]
Location: Annapolis MDmap
Surname/tag: Ogle
Profile manager: Anne Agee private message [send private message]
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Last Will and Testament of Governor Samuel Ogle, Esq.

In the name of God Amen, I Samuel Ogle, Esq. Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Maryland being of disposing mind and memory, doe make this my last Will and Testament.

Anne Tasker, wife of Gov. Samuel Ogle

Imprimis as I am possessed of and entitled to a considerable sum of money in Bank Stock Lot uncertain whether the same amounts to five thousand pounds principal stock or whether the annual interest or dividend payable thereon will amount to two hundred and fifty pounds sterling and as I design that two hundred and fifty pounds sterling should be annually paid to my dear wife Ann Ogle during her life out of my estate. Thereby devise and direct my Executor hereinafter named shall as soon as conveniently may be placed or caused to be placed in Bank Stock such further sum or sums of money out of my personal estate as will be sufficient to make up such deficiency as may be of five thousand pounds principal Bank Stock belonging to me at the time of my death and out of the interest or dividends on the whole stock I direct and will that my Executor shall pay to my said Wife two hundred and fifty pounds sterling during her natural life, but in case such interest or dividends shall not at anytime amount to two hundred and fifty pounds sterling then I order and will that my said Executor shall yearly and every year pay and make up to my said dear Wife such deficiency of the said two hundred and fifty pounds sterling out of the interest arising on the other part of my personal estate.

Item - I give and devise to my said dear Wife all her wearing apparel and lines of what kind soever together with my coach chariot and coach horses and the furniture of my house in the City of Annapolis, as also the use of any six house Negroes as she shall choose and the use of all my plate during her life and these aforesaid several bequests so much more considerable than the provision secured to her by any marriage agreement. I make as an instance of my sincere affection and tenderness for her and in lieu of what she might claim by virtue of the said marriage agreement or otherwise out of my estate.

Benjamin, son of Samuel Ogle.

Item - I give and devise to my dear son Benjamin Ogle and his heirs my house and land in Prince George's County as also all my Negroes shares together with my stock of what kind soever and horses (except the English horses and their breed which I desire may be sold) and every implement and utensil belonging to or used on my said plantation in the said County at the time of my death.

Item - I give and bequeath twelve hundred pounds sterling to my dear daughter Mary Ogle and also the like sum of twelve hundred pounds sterling to my dear daughter Meliora Ogle.

Item - All the rest and residue of my real and personal estate of what nature of kind whatsoever either in America, Europe or elsewhere after my debts or legacies shall be paid I give devise and bequeath to my said dear son.

Item - My desire is that none of my estate shall continue at the risque of my Executors but that the land and Negroes herein before devised to my son shall be kept and maintained at the expense and risque of my said son and the profits arising therefrom to be discounted for to his use and benefit and also that the other parts of my personal estate not now consisting in money or securities for money and otherwise herein disposed of shall as soon as my be converted into money for the benefit of my estate and uses of this my Will.

Item - My Will and desire is that the legacies herein before bequeathed to my two daughters should be placed out at interest in such a manner as my Executors shall think fit and that they shall be maintained by such interest, but what may be more than sufficient for such maintenance shall be also placed out at interest and paid to each of them together with the principal at their respective ages of eighteen years or days of marriage, but in case either of them should dye before such age and day of marriage then what is herein bequeathed to her so dying shall be divided and paid to her surviving sister at her said age or day of marriage and my said son equally if he shall survive at his age of twenty-one years and in case both my said daughters dye before such ages or days of marriage then the whole bequests to them shall be paid to my son at his age aforesaid. And in case my said son should dye before his age of twenty-one years then what is herein before bequeathed to my said son shall descent to and rest in my said daughter or daughter surviving him.

Item - I hereby appoint my Executors to be Guardians of my said son and desire that he may be educated in England.

Lastly I nominate and appoint Benjamin Tasker, Esq. and Col. Benjamin Tasker to be joint Executors of this my Will and to each of them I give and bequeath one hundred pounds sterling for the trouble and care which they may have in the execution of this my Will and thereby revoke all former and other Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereto this my last Will and testament contained in two sheets of paper set my hand to the first sheet and my hand and seal to the last sheet this eleventh day of February 1752

Sam Ogle (seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered by the Testator, Samuel Ogle as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us and by us subscribed as Witnesses in his presence.
  • Geo. Steuart
  • Alex. Hamilton
  • Edm. Jennings
Will of Gov. Samuel Ogle

At the foot of the foregoing Will was this written.

On the 5th day of June 1752 George Steuart, Alexander Hamilton and Edmond Jennings the three subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will being duly and solemnly sworn in the holy evangels of Almighty God severally depose and say that they saw the Testator, Samuel Ogle, Esq. Sign and seal the said Will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their judgment and apprehension of sound and disposing mind, and memory and that they subscribed their respective names as witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the Testator and at his request.
Sworn to before me
D. Dulany Com’ry

To which Will was annexed the following Codicil viz.

Whereas I Samuel Ogle of the province of Maryland, Eng. By my Testament and Last Will bearing the date eleventh day of February last past and hereunto annexed did devise to my dear Son, Benjamin Ogle, and his heirs my house and land in Prince George’s County as also all my negroes and slaves together with my stock of what kind soever and horses (except the English horses and their breed which I desire might be sold) and every implement and utensil belonging to our used on my said plantation in the said County at the time of my death and whereas I am apprehensive the devise my not be so advantageous to my said Son by the directions in the said Will that the said land and negroes should be kept and maintained at his risque as if they should be sold. I therefore by this Codicil which I declare and direct to be taken as part of my said Will revoke and make void the said devise and directions to keep and maintain the said land and negroes at my said Son’s risque and instead thereof I will and devise that the said negroes and horses and stock shall be sold as soon as conveniently my be together with the implements and utensils on the said plantation and the money which shall be raised thereby applied and reckoned as part of the residue of my estate devised to my said Son and I also will and devise that my house and land mentioned in the said devise shall also be sold by my Executors or the survivor of them if they or the survivor of them shall judge it most expedient and advantageous for the benefit of my said Son to sell the same and the money arising by the sale thereof shall be also reckoned as part of my personal estate and together with the other money now belonging to or to be raised by the sale of the other parts of my estate shall be placed out at interest in such manner as my Executors shall think fit for the benefit of my said Son.
And Whereas I did by my said Testament and last Will give and bequeath to my dear daughter Mary Ogle twelve hundred pounds sterling and also to my dear daughter Meloria Ogle twelve hundred pounds sterling and whereas I am doubtful whether what I have devised to my Son will be sufficient to maintain and educate him in the manner suitable to my desire and intention. I do heretofore by this Codicil revoke and make Void the said two several bequests and legacies of twelve hundred pounds sterling and in lieu and stead thereof I hereby give and devise and bequeath one thousand pounds sterling to my said daughter Mary Ogle and also one thousand pounds sterling to my said daughter, Meliora Ogle, to be place out at interest applied for their maintenance and education and to paid or survive in the same manner as directed by my said Testament and last Will with regard to the said two legacies of twelve hundred pounds sterling and I direct that the two hundred pounds sterling deducted out of each of the said twelve hundred pounds sterling shall be also part of ye residue of my personal estate for the benefit of my said Son.
In Witness whereof I have hereto this my Codicil as part of my testament and last Will set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of April 1752
Sam Ogle (seal)
Signed, Sealed Delivered and Declared by the said Samuel Ogle as his Codicil and part of his Testament and last Will in the presence of us and by us subscribed in his presence
  • Edm. Jennings
  • Geo. Steuart
  • Ann Street

On the back of the foregoing Codicil was this written.

On the 5th day of June 1752 Edmond Jennings and George Steuart two of the subscribed witnesses to the within, Codicil being duly and solemnly sworn on the hold Evangels of Almighty God severally depose and say that they saw the Testator Samuel Ogle, Esq. sign and seal the said Codicil and heard him publish and declare the same as part of his Last Will and Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their judgement and apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they and Ann Street the other subscribing witness subscribed their respective names as witnesses to the said Codicil in the presence of the Testator and at his request.
Sworn to before me
D. Dulany Com'ry
On the 10th day of June 1752
Ann Street, etc

Images: 1
Samuel Ogle
Samuel Ogle

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